We take successful companies to new, unexpected levels.



This is our specialty. Finding the lever, often overlooked, that when activated catapults your company to a new level.


Revenue growth in 36 months
$ 1 M

Award winning innovation and millions of pieces sold.


Revenue growth in 36 months
$ 30 M

Launched 3 new categories. Reduced cost of goods by 40%.


$ 1 M

Introduced 3 brands, 200+ SKUs and 5 patents in just 6 months.

Our Difference

Unlike consulting companies who may offer good advice, we do everything—to the degree that you want.

For example if we suggest a redesign and retool packaging, we source it, find it, reach out to manufacturing, negotiate, then lead project management until delivery and quality assured.

Industries We Serve

  • Consumer Packaged Goods
  • Technology
  • Textiles
  • Home Goods
  • Health + Beauty
  • Fashion
  • Luxury Goods
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Real Estate
  • Finance
  • Media
  • And more

What Others Are Saying

Adam set up methodical relays to really delve into my business as well as the strengths and weaknesses of all of the folks who work for me. At the end of the day, (TPR) was able to help us realize an extra 25% of revenue that we had been leaving on the table.

Eli Hefter

Eli Hefter

COO, Fat Owls

My team hired Adam to handle some ambitious and intensive projects. His dedication and perseverance are inspiring. These coupled with extensive experience and resources, result in the ability to achieve very high goals.

Alisa Koysman

Alisa Koysman

Supervisor, KSH Brands

(TPR’s) award winning innovations has positioned our company as a leader in the industry. These changes happen rather fast as well. In the span of 6 months our new launches have achieved Industry wide acclaim.

Issac Wagner

Issac Wagner

CEO, Academia Furniture

I’ve worked with Adam on numerous occasions, and he’s been a pleasure to work with. He is truly a product development guru!

Andrew Bochner

Andrew Bochner

Intellectual Property Attorney, Bochner IP

Good character, clear grasp from all angles, quickly processing from product ideation to creation. All of this describes Adam. It has been a pleasure working with Adam to make big things happen, from the strategy planning until completion and implementation, quickly sliding through all technical difficulties with ease to bringing everything together and making big things happen.

Emmanuel Reisman

Emmanuel Reisman

CEO, Sander's Collection

When we brought Adam on board we wanted to differentiate our brand from our competition. (TPR’s) marketing and growth strategies have helped position us as an affordable luxury brand and allowed us to become a recognized household name in a short period of time.

Moshe Oestreicher

Moshe Oestreicher

CEO, Perroquet Shoes

Adam is incredibly talented at what he does. He handles high-level, intensive projects with complete dedication, bringing each company he works with to new and unexpected levels. He has excellent marketing + sales strategy and is capable of delivering measurable results.

Hannah Lipschutz

Hannah Lipschutz


As someone with extensive experience with product development and leading product development directors, I can sincerely say that Adam is head and shoulders above any product professional I’ve worked with. He’s simply the best I’ve worked with. I highly recommend Adam, he’s money in the bank!

Mitch Kushner

Mitch Kushner

CEO Chief Operating Officers

Let's Talk

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